🐞Images Don't Resize

This article will help you perform some checks to determine why images don't resize.

Regenerate Thumbnails

If you already uploaded images to media library, make sure you regenerate thumbnails by following these steps.

Low Server Resources

Resizing and trimming are resource-intensive tasks especially when processed images are large, make sure:

  • In the plugin settings (under WooCommerce menu → Smart Image Resize), select only sizes prefixed by woocommerce_ in the Sizes option.

  • You increase server memory_limit to at least 512M. (Recommended 1024M )

Purge Cache

Make sure you:

  • clear your browser cache

  • purge any caching plugin if present

  • purge CloudFlare cache if present

Uploading Images Through WP REST API [Advanced]

Images uploaded trough WP REST API using the route /wp/v2/media are not resized by default. To enable it:

Add this code snippet to your theme functions.php:

add_filter('wp_sir_process_media_library_upload', '__return_true');

or add this boolean parameter in your request _processable_image

Uploading Images Through WC Vendors Plugin

By default, images uploaded trough the frontend are not resized, to enable it, add this code snippet to your theme functions.php:

add_filter('wp_sir_process_frontend_upload', '__return_true');

None of The Above Works

No worries! We're here to help, send us your support request at support@sirplugin.com and we'll make to get it sorted.

Last updated